I got an insight into why this life is the way it is and this insight both confirmed and reinforced my opinions and thoughts to such an extent that I need not ask anything further. In this process I find that the need for answers diminished with knowledge gained (obvious deduction there)
So to send out a message of apology for a life that we have all but forgotten may seem strange to the majority of this world it is a path of cleansing for me and so...
To those historic and unexplained feelings and especially to those moments in life where you, myself or collectively 'we' had a connection it would seem that there is a history here of our own making. The exact reasons and circumstances elude me but the general view is one of regret, sorrow and shame.
Hear Ye all, what is done is done, what we can and cannot understand is of absolutely no importance in this world. We live to pay off our karmic debt. Lets pay this debt by initially understanding it and secondly accepting it. If the hate, resentment or shame still controls you then it is my humble opinion that you should move on. We are governed by our love for our Satguru and acceptance of our lot in life starts with forgive and forget. No transgression is too large or insurmountable as to block you on this path. This is Kal's world and as such should not be taken seriously. Yes we owe but acceptance is the key to understanding, and the will, energy and motivation to continue comes from your Satguru.
Without the Love, you shall hinder your spiritual progress and stagnate and wallow in your emotions. Please I implore you, move on with the certainty that I have no recollection or for that matter opinion regarding things done and said, but rather a burning desire to see those I love steady on their path to God realization.
We have been blessed with the ability to love and it is the only account in life that gains interest faster than we are able to give it away. The only objective, in my opinion, of this life is God realization and thus we MUST focus on nothing else. Channel that objective into everything you do and I mean everything and the objective of your efforts will reach you way sooner than you could possibly imagine. Do not stop living and become a hermit but rather partake in this worlds offerings as a observer more than a player.
Very basically and 'of this world' kinda logic here but it equates to a pee break on a long journey. Bear with me here! JHB to Cape Town represents your souls existence and the pee break your life as you know it now on earth. If you get caught up in reading the graffiti on the walls and or even contributing to it you are delaying your journey. The objective is to "pay" and move on as the wonders of the 'destination' far exceed the scribbling of graffiti read or contributions you may offer.
It is very difficult to gauge your progress on this journey but ultimately it always remains the destination that should stay in focus. The more you slow down on this road trip the more the scenery comes into focus and thus distracts you more and more. Do not swop your time here on earth for pleasures of this world except in the passing as the ultimate destination will literally be out of this world.
In my opinion...
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