Sunday, March 23, 2008

Here is a thought....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What is it about a blank piece of paper and a pen that excites me so? Is it because it’s clean and new or is it the urge to express myself? Perhaps it’s a hankering for times gone past that flash before my minds eye. Imagination explored, feelings expressed. I think it goes deeper than just that, as it seems to tingle quietly and without menace. It starts out more of a longing than a desire and soon cumulates into an urge that is hard to ignore. False alarms are common in this phase as I start what is intended to be a memorable piece of writing and it disintegrates into a scribble that becomes infuriating to comprehend within the first three paragraphs. It usually ends up in file thirteen – the one that stands on the floor next to my desk. It goes out with the other waste in the mornings.

I have no initially intention to allow this to go to waste and consider my options. I wish to write and it so turns out that this evening my hand - eye coordination is especially good and the mind remains crisp enough to get this far. The only remaining obstacle would be the dreaded subject matter. At times this is as easy as finding then pen to write it with and other times it eludes one and is often as frustrating as threading a needle. So I have to explore this rather crazy thought pattern in my brain. It seems to be a kaleidoscope of emotions that keep the mind active throughout the day and night.

And of course the tendency to over think the subject matter is as real an enemy as not having paper to write on or a pen to write with. So without further procrastination I wish to pen or in this case type the following piece.

What is it that drives us?

There are, in my opinion, certainly varying levels of motivators or forces that we need to distinguish between, before applying the scenario’s or the expected outcomes of our actions and in most cases desires.


This relates to the inbred animal type instinct and survival that is not acquired or taught by choice but rather a hidden motivator that we hardly ever identify timorously, not until after the fact or consequences of our action become apparent. It is this factor that makes a mother nurture and defend a child, a father to encourage and educate his kids, or siblings defend their territory from foreign influences. Its roots go as deep as the human imagination is able to stretch, namely subjects and theories as to what makes us breath whilst asleep or what makes the sun rise or the earth rotate. We have as humans allocated a set number of conclusions and even though we explore constantly none of the explanations satisfy our human intellect. It is not that we are unable to grasp the concept but rather that our minds are conditioned by circumstances and are thus limited to what we have been taught. We have so much to learn, yet little importance is given to exploring the mind, and billions are spent exploring space. We should be able to explore space within our own mind. We are space, if you consider the fact that we are all made up of the same base elements that are found within the earth’s atmosphere. We are conceived from fluids shared, united so to speak and our bodies the scientists tell us are 70% water. These base elements are again according to scientists and researchers the same elements that make up the universe. Surely if we grasp an understanding of these elements we will have an infinite knowledge of our universe? If the desk I am sitting at right now and I share similar base elements then we are surely part of the same universe. In being part of the same universe surely with the ability to control or change these elements we could be more desk like in character.

Now I know that is a bit far out but consider the fact that if we mastered these elements that go into the make up of our bodies, we should theoretically be able to recreate or change our ‘makeup’ at will, purely by our understanding of how they work. Simply put, if you see a car for the first time, with our limited intellect it would take us awhile to understand what it was and then another while to understand and master the controls to get it to move. But as soon as we understood the concept, design and purpose we could become one with the car by climbing into it and making it do what we wanted it to do. If you find this statement to be even slightly logical then I challenge you to take it further and apply it to your mind. The problem here is that we could not possibly imagine what could be done if we understood the controls and mechanisms. We already know what it is; all we lack is the understanding of how to get it to do what we want it to.

It is maybe a bit far out but the possibilities are endless and again the scientists say we utilize only ten to twenty percent of our brain. My question then is, what the hell is the rest of it for. Do you notice in nature any wastage of any kind? Everything has a purpose and a place in this creation, right down to the grain of sand at the ocean bottom. Surely we were not born with a lump of grey matter “waste” in our dome?


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    Missing your thoughts...even from this far far away.
    love to you,

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