Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Response to previous entry...

Folks - IT WAS A JOKE, written in a slightly twisted way. Please do not take offence or email me saying that you are finding me weird lately or, am i depressed? type of questioning.

I did not mean to be offensive or rude or hurtful and there was no malice intended or directed at any individual. For those that took offence, i apologise.

It was written by a (...wait for it...) a major arsehole. Yes Major A.R. Sole - thats where the twist was for those that may be searching for it.

Anyway - have a blast till we chat again - fond regards Duncan

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cookie,
    No regrets, too bad that they don't know you have a kind and gentle heart. It's ok to be twisted and funny...someone in Texas giggled!
